Nhảy tới nội dung

Face Retrieval Result

API to get the face retrieval result of the uploaded images.


  • Endpoint: /v1/api/ekyc-verify/result/face-retrieval

  • Method: POST

  • Header

    api_keystringyesThe API key associated with your account to authenticate requests (for development, check the Credentials section).
  • Parameters

    session_idstringyesCurrent session ID.


  • Status: 200 OK

  • Body: JSON

    "code": 0,
    "message": "Successful",
    "data": "<ENCRYPTED_DATA_IN_BASE64>",
    "sign": "8f4642cdb4c555f9a6d5926f4df9b73e44da2e675512d65d44c0a212",
    "request_id": "12345678"
    • Field “request_id”: Request's identifier, used for auditing later.

    • Field “data”: Decrypt the “data” field as described in the Decrypt response data section to get the JSON object with following fields.

      idnum_validationjsonValidation informations against idnumber in idcard. Format:

      {msg:<string>, status:<number>}

      face_validationjsonValidation informations against selfie face. This field does NOT appear if idnum_validation failed. Format:

      {msg:<string>, status:<number>}

    • Field “sign”: The “sign” field is created by encrypted data and a secret key, described in the Signature section.