Nhảy tới nội dung

Fraud Checking Result

API to get the fraud checking result of the uploaded images.


  • Endpoint: /v1/api/ekyc-verify/result/fraud-check

  • Method: POST

  • Header

    api_keystringyesThe API key associated with your account to authenticate requests (for development, check the Credentials section).
  • Parameters

    session_idstringyesCurrent session ID.
    image_typestring (enum)yes

    Supported image types (of submitted images):

    • ID card front image: idcard
    • ID card back image: back_idcard
    • Driver license front image: driver_license
    • Passport front image: passport
    • Documentation front image (unknown type): front_id_doc
    • Documentation back image (unknown type): back_id_doc
    • Selfie image: selfie
    • Selfie image 1 for selfie vs selfie matching: base_selfie
    • Selfie image 2 for selfie vs selfie matching: query_selfie


  • Status: 200 OK

  • Body: JSON

    "code": 0,
    "message": "Successful",
    "data": "<ENCRYPTED_DATA_IN_BASE64>",
    "sign": "8f4642cdb4c555f9a6d5926f4df9b73e44da2e675512d65d44c0a212",
    "request_id": "12345678"
    • Field “request_id”: Request's identifier, used for auditing later.

    • Field “data”: Decrypt the “data” field as described in the Decrypt response data section to get the JSON object with following fields.

      statusnumberThe current status of the image to verify. For details, check the Appendix eKYC Status Values section.
      msgstringMessage value corresponding to the status.
      photo_idstring (128)ID of the uploaded image.
      probnumberProbability of fraud result (0 → 1).
    • Field “sign”: The “sign” field is created by encrypted data and a secret key, described in the Signature section.